The Anahuac Story

Follow our story to appreciate the inspiration behind our campaign and delve deep into the heart of Anahuac.

As each chapter progresses, journey with us as we move through each layer of soil, like our seeds, to root and reach the heart of Mother Earth. We carry our spirit of resilience through oppression and disconnection only to reawaken and remember once more who we truly are and what we have to offer.

We are the children of Mother Earth.


Return to the land with our ancestral wealth

Listen to the stories of our youth, our future generation, as the Anahuac community

encounters the land in Turner.

  • Chapter 1: in the fields of our milpa

  • Chapter 2: Coming Soon

  • Chapter 3: Coming Soon

Voices of our community:

We value the traditional knowledge and cultural richness that our community has to offer to create collective power.

“Estoy orgullosa de que mis padres me enseñaran Zapoteco.

Aunque no ha sido fácil porque he recibido burlas, pero ahora comprendo el valor de mi lenguaje…Gracias a Anáhuac por esta oportunidad. Estoy orgullosa de enseñar Zapoteco y quiero que mis hijos hablen tres lenguajes.” 

~ Cristina Arellanez Vasquez, Maestra de Lenguas Indígenas Anáhuac 


“Siento que es mi responsabilidad reconectar y recuperar todo el conocimiento de mis antepasados. No quiero que sus saberes se mueran o desaparezcan, y quiero que algo tan hermoso continúe”

~ Neida Robles Rodriguez, Líder Juvenil de Anáhuac